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Resources for Actions in the Age of the Ban Treaty

THERE ARE LOTS OF RESOURCES HERE — for groups and individuals. please scroll down to see everything that is available! On this page you will find templates for banners, signs and posters that you can have printed. ( has great prices on vinyl banners, fast and inexpensive shipping. They almost always have a “sale” going […]

What does Y-12 do?

This fact sheet has basic information about the nuclear weapons work at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

The University and the Bomb

Here is a fact sheet on the University of Tennessee’s plan to bid on the operations and management contract for the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex in Oak Ridge, TN.

OREPA calls on University President to reconsider plan to build bombs

Immediate release, January 11, 2021 PEACE GROUP CHALLENGES UT PLAN TO MANUFACTURE NUCLEAR WEAPONS CALLS ON PRESIDENT RANDY BOYD TO RECONSIDER The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance today released a letter sent to University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd asking him to reconsider his decision to bid on the contract to manage and operate the […]