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NEW! Community meetings!

OREPA announces the first in a series of community meetings for Knoxville and East Tennessee!


Short of taking a hammer to nuclear warheads (which some people do), is there anything regular people can really do to get rid of nuclear weapons?


You are invited to join the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance for an evening exploring what we can do about one of the great issues of our day”creating a nuclear weapons free future. As one local activist has said, “We have a special responsibility, because we have this bomb plant in our backyard.”


Education We’ll answer the question many folks around here don’t want you to ask: What are they doing in Oak Ridge, anyway?


Movement building We’ll enjoy snack food and music while we’re at it.


StrategyWe’ll talk about ways to be effective in planning and taking action.



Saturday, October 8 will be the first in a series of bi-monthly community meetings sponsored by the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance. The meetings are for OREPA members, friends, the curious, and those who have been asking, “How can I get involved in OREPA’s work?”


Reflections for Nonviolent Community


Sunday Vigil at Y-12 in Oak Ridge Tennessee

Sunday Vigil

OREPA has held Sunday vigils every week for more than 22 years at the main entrance to the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex (intersection of Scarboro Rd and East Bear Creek Road). We will now be holding the vigil at 4:00PM ET during the winter months so we don’t have to be sitting out in the dark. We are outdoors and space our chairs; when covid numbers are up, we encourage people to wear masks. Bring your own chair, we have some umbrellas for sun shade or rain.

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Where Should I park? vigil-map.jpg

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