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UPF UPDate explains latest budget shenanigans”Congress puts runaway train back on track

The UPF bomb plant has spent more than a billion dollars already, but that money doesn’t count under Congress’s new “cap” for the project. It was also initially to include a broad slate of operations, replacing unsafe facilities at the Y12 Plant. No money for that now, the “cap” is for just the bomb production operations”we’ll have to pay for the rest of it later. Oh, and the new “cap” is not the total, just for the next ten years, even though construction is projected to take longer.

You can read about it here:  UPF update December 2014

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OREPA Newsletter


Sunday Vigil at Y-12 in Oak Ridge Tennessee

Sunday Vigil

OREPA has held Sunday vigils every week for more than 22 years at the main entrance to the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex (intersection of Scarboro Rd and East Bear Creek Road). We will now be holding the vigil at 4:00PM ET during the winter months so we don’t have to be sitting out in the dark. We are outdoors and space our chairs; when covid numbers are up, we encourage people to wear masks. Bring your own chair, we have some umbrellas for sun shade or rain.

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Where Should I park? vigil-map.jpg

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